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Travelling to Russia? 7 Surprising Things Noone tells you about!

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Travelling to Russia and you want to know some unexpected things about the country?

Who doesn’t? I don’t know about you but I am one of those travellers who are passionnate about interesting facts that the normal travel guides do not mention! Is my list objective? Of course not! Since everone’s experiences are different these are the 7 things which I personally found awkward, strange, bad, interesting, amazing or funny travelling to Russia for first time! There are much more than just 7 to count at this gigantic country but, for me, for the one month I spent here,  the major surprises (and observations!) were the following: 

red square moscow christmas

1. The trains run on Moscow Time

Russia has 9 different zone times!! Oh yes, NINE! And as if that wasn’t enough, the train websites/ tickets/ stations/ timetables etc. indicate only the Moscow time as the ”departure” and ”arrival” ones! Things can be very complicated if you are in Siberia and you are already 6 hours ahead of Moscow but you have to catch the Trans Siberian at Moscow time! And it can be totally insane when the dates are different as well, for example when it is after midnight for you (hence, a new day/date!) but you have to catch your train… yesterday because Moscow is still behind! Be very careful when calculating the correct time as there are uncountable foreigners who missed their trains because of that! Phew!

space museum moscow
OK, not exactly a train but at least you can “take” this only from Moscow (space museum)

2. Limited English

I was prepared for lack of English in the countryside but I was surprised that even in Moscow, in touristic places, very basic English is spoken. We were lucky though as in Moscow our AirBnb host had been living in the Uk for 1 year so we could communicate extremely well and she helped us a lot regarding culture, local life, sexism and racism topics (questions that as a feminist myself, I always try to ask while travelling in order to learn more about every country!) , family and personal development etc. How did we deal with this for one month? We used the Google Translate app and more specifically, the offline Russian version that can scan a sign / menu/ place of interest and of course we learnt 10 basic words – either way our life became easier as locals (that we encountered with!) rarely speak any English. My advice should you plan to travel to Russia? Do the same!

how is siberia in wintertime
To enjoy this sunset, no English required!

3. Why there are so many expired products in the super markets?

That’s the funny one! Since we stayed in Russia for a month, we shopped in super markets many times. The first days I got confused as in almost every single market I could find multiple items that seemed expired! In some cases nearly half of the products were «expired»!! After few days that we were not able to deal with the mystery (and we kept eating at restaurants!) we managed to ask a local who could communicate efficiently in English and suddenly…problem solved! The explanation was hilarious (for us) but, admittedly, decent: Some of the Russian companies (especially bakeries, dairy and chocolate products ones) print on the package only the production date and they add a text (in Russian!) that indicates for how long the product is safe to be consumed! Weird, right? No travel guide I read before travelling to Russia, had even mentioned this! After the clarification we relaxed regarding the edible products even if we had to use the before-mentioned app to «read» this damn text every single time!

frozen lake baikal siberia
A frozen river “empties” into the Lake Baikal… this cant be out of date!

4. Cafes = Restaurants

That was easy to catch!! When you are hungry just head to the first café you will see, it is actually a local restaurant and serves proper food! We found some of the cheapest and most delicious foods in cafes around Irkutsk and Ulan- Ude, their prices can easily beat out Thai prices (not Filipino’s though) ! But on the first day you can get really confused.. where are all the restaurants?

pigeons in siberia
Since pigeons aren’t allowed in the cafes they are feeling #warm at #sewagepipecover !!

5. Second class citizens?

Ok, it’s about time for the negative thing of my list! We were told by locals that Russians who have Asian characteristics are often treated as second class citizens by the «European-like» Russians. This is an uncomfortable truth we could not have understood by ourselves as we are Europeans too (and anyway the communication with little English is not sufficient) but the interaction with the locals helped us realizing that. Very sad and unfair, as any kind of racism or discrimination of course! But this does not happen only in between Russians… What if we , as non- Russians, consider our stereotypes regarding the same thing? The truth is that when we think about Russians we picture them as blonde/ white, tall people and it is hard to think them as Asians too. But Russian Federation has an Asian side (we all knew about it, right?)  and actually, at least the 35% of the population has Asian roots and (unsurprisingly!) Asian characteristics! Impressive, right? So now… we know and we have no excuse anymore to exclude the Asian aspect of the country even as visitors!

travelling to Russia
A Russian friend proudly explains us his Mongolian roots.

6. Right –hand side cars?

Russia drives on the right. As a result, the cars are built so that the driver sits on the left-hand side of the car. If so,  what are all of these right-hand side cars around, seen especially in Siberia?? This was a major confusion for me but , once more, a local helped us to untangle our mind! Many people buy cheaper second hand cars from Japan and… guess what? Japan drives on the left! So many unexpected things while travelling in Russia! It should be weird to drive on the right with a “drive on the left”-built car! 

travelling to siberia in winter
It is risky to drive on the frozen Lake Baikal (especially before government approves it every winter) but many locals take the risk

7. Size matters

This is something we knew already of course but we hadn’t utterly realised it before travelling to Russia. Being the largest country in the entire world , Russia has a landmass of 17.098.242 km² ! Just to make the comparison easier, Europe itself is «only» 10.180.000 km² ! No surprise that the longest railway in the world is here, the famous trans-Siberian/Mongolian! Throughout the month we spent in Russia, we covered massive distances by plane, train, cars, vans and busses! It’s worth mentioning that a 6plus-hour flight from Moscow took us only up to the frozen (and mesmerizing!) Lake Baikal… this is roughly in the mid of Siberia!!

skiing in Siberia
Obviously, there is plenty of room for skiing by yourself!

At the end of my small list with the things I got impressed (negatively, positively or just neutral!) during my first trip in Russia / Siberia I want to clarify that these may be normal for other travellers, for example I have been told afterwards that the lack of expiration date exists in some Asian countries too!  Few months after I came back, I found out about Russian cities that didn’t even exist on the map until 1993 that also fascinated me but I have to plan a second month to Russia to visit them! I would definitely come back to this huge country, but next time it will be in the summertime! Do you have any weird experiences ot obvervations from your Russia travels to share? Please add them in the comments!

Things that travellers may find weird in Russia and Siberia!

As a first time traveller I didnt expect to be suprised by things like these!

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